Hello, yep this is a surprise blog. Why? Because I thought it would be fun to talk about some of my Christmas decorations. Now this isn’t as strange as it sounds, as a few years back, Pat and I decided that when we were travelling that we would by something for the Christmas tree as a memento. Now one thing we have discovered that if the object isn’t specific to the location it was bought, it can be very hard to remember where it was bought. So a couple of the items, while I think I know where we got them I’m not 100% sure.
Now that gives you a little idea of what is on my tree this year. As we are not planning on travelling next year there won’t be anything new. However maybe I can allocate the lovely little white ornament on the tree which I have no idea where it came from!
Have a wonderful week and enjoy Pat’s blog next week http://patblog.patbell.co.uk