What’s next – 6th February 2016

A lot has happened in two weeks.  Well it feels like a lot to me. Firstly did I make the 50,000 words? Alas no but I did get to 40,158 which ultimately I am happy with.  I still wrote a large amount.  I now have to leave what I have written alone for at least 2 weeks and then take time to read it.  Then I decide if it is worthwhile investing any more time in it or if it is just a stinker of a book.  Not all books make it past the first draft, I’ll let you know my decision.  If anyone else is interested check these out: http://nanowrimo.org/
this is the book responsible No Plot? No Problem by Chris Baty.

No Plot? No Problem!

No Plot?
No Problem!

What I did like was the ability to challenge myself for a limited amount of time.  It was fun in a bizarre kind of way.  So I’ve decided that this year I’m going to give myself different challenges every month.  – I’m up for any ideas people give me.  I’ve got a couple already planned but my one this month is to do interesting things with my evenings (ie to not sit in front of the TV) there is one exception to this and that is our Friday night – P Nights see P Night – 25 July 2015 if you need a reminder.  (I’m planning on repeating this one in the summer when we have day light in the evenings so that I can get out into the garden).

It has been an interesting challenge, I’ve given myself a list of things I’m going to try to get done in the evenings.  I’ve started by painting a magazine rack which I purchased at a charity store for €2.  I had some chalk paint that I wanted to try out.  I’ve finished the painting and now hoping to find some vintage French ads to decoupage onto it.  I’ve also done a fair bit of reading over the past few days.  I’ve painted a few birthday cards and will do more painting this coming week. I hope to last and I’m not forcing Pat to do this, so he is enjoying getting to watch what he wants to watch when he sometimes sits down in front of the tv.

Last Saturday I headed out to meet a friend to go for coffee and cake.  We also stopped to pick up some chalk paint samples.  So off for coffee – first stopping to say hello to other friends that we ran into and stopping by the English book exchange.  We then headed off for coffee and cake at a local charity shop.  Great coffee and cake (chocolate fudge cake) plus some exploring of the charity shop – I bought a new shirt for €1 – and it’s in superb condition and a few other items, including the above said magazine rack.

Yesterday I had a break from art class, as our teacher is away in Scotland for a couple of weeks.  So Pat had set up a play date for Siena.  One of the ladies that Pat does French class with has an 8 month old puppy (who is twice the size of Siena).  Siena and Domino have also been doing some obedience classes together and get on well so we decided that it could be good to have them play together.  So off we went, it was a lovely sunny day so we sat outside had tea and cake (homemade Victoria sponge that was light fluffy and amazing).  The two dogs ran around like nutters.  Siena did have to tell off Domino a couple of times – very interesting to watch a huge dog roll over onto his back in a state of submission in front of Siena, she obviously had him well sorted.  It was a lovely afternoon talking about our lives in France, doing up houses and how to train dogs!

Now I’m off to make some scones, some of which we shall give to madam next door – as on Tuesday she showed up at our door with a plate of crepes.  They were lovely.

I will see you in two weeks and remember Pats blog next week – http://patblog.patbell.co.uk

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